Solid White Waxed Oak Large Sideboard With 2 Door Cupboard & 4 Drawers RRP £750
Before considering to place an order please read the description in full. Its a high-end factory second furniture and it may have sign of minor imperfections like scuffs, scratches and dents. Before we sell a product we inspect it fully, if there is any significant marks, scratches or dents it will be stated in the listing along with the image. For any minor imperfections please inspect before take it away. We like to make sure that you are happy, so if there is any reason, while at the collection point, you are not happy with the product the order can be cancelled. To have a reliable service we require that once committed the order should be collected within 48 hours. The collection point is Milton Keynes. The measurements are under'About this Item' section. Any questions please ask before commit.